Learn How to Submit a News Release

by press release

Know the Target Audience For Press Release.

As you're developing your press release, it's important to focus on your target audience. Who is this news for? What do they want to hear about? What are they looking for in the news? What don't they want to hear about?

You'll also want to know what works well and doesn't work well with the kind of people who might read your blog or read their social media feeds.

Finally, you'll want to know how long your pr submission should be (and what format it should take). If you're writing for a local newspaper or website, the length will vary depending on whether they've published similar articles in the past. If you write for bloggers or news sites that have a more general audience, then your press release can be longer and more detailed.

Provide an executive summary.

A press release should contain an executive summary. The executive summary is a short summary of the story in the first paragraph, and it should be no more than five sentences long. It should be written in a way that grabs the reader's attention by using key words, making it clear what the story is about, and using active voice instead of passive voice (e.g., instead of saying "the company was founded," say "the founder created").

It should also contain a statement about the newsworthiness of the story, as well as an indication of what readers can expect from reading the rest of the release. This is where you'll want to include any quotes from key players in your business, as well as statistics and other relevant facts that support whatever point you're trying to make.

The next paragraph should contain a brief description of what your company does. This is where you'll want to mention its name, location, and any other relevant information that will help readers who aren't already familiar with your business understand the context of the story (e.g., if you manufacture widgets in Chicago).


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Include your contact information in the press release body.

The contact information should be at the end of your press release submission. Include your name, phone number and email address in this section. Also include a link to your website (if you have one) and social media profiles if you have them.

If you have a website, include a link to it in your press release and make sure it’s optimized for search engines. This will help potential clients find you online.

Press releases are an important part of any PR campaign. They’re easy to write and can be used as a starting point for other types of content—like blog posts, social media posts and email newsletters.

If you’re looking for help writing a press release, we can help. We offer press release writing services and will create an effective, well-written document that will get your business noticed.

Include links to your website and other relevant sites.

Include links to your website and other relevant sites.

  • Links to your company's blog, social media pages, and email newsletter signup page are all good places to start. You can also include links to any press releases that you've published in the past year or so (this will help readers get an idea of how long you've been in business).

Make sure all of your links are live and clickable. If you need to update a link, make sure to update it everywhere that it appears in the bio.

Your bio should also include a link to your website, as well as links to any other social media pages you have. If you don't have any other social media accounts, consider creating them so that people can easily follow along with what's happening with your business.

Make sure it follows the formatting rules for press releases.

A press release submission sites consists of a few key points: your name, the title of your article and its source (e.g., "This is a press release"), the date, and some brief summary information about what you're talking about. You should also include contact information for media representatives so they can contact you if they want more information or want to publish an article based on what you've written in their publication(s).

Press releases should be short--no more than three paragraphs--and always use standard formatting rules like Arial or Times New Roman font size 12pt line spacing 1.5 paragraph spacing double spaced text with italics only if absolutely necessary (e.g., if it's really important).

Press releases are intended to be read by the general public, so they should be written in language that anyone can understand. If you're writing a press release for your university or business, make sure that it's grammatically correct and free of typos. You don't want to give people any reason to doubt what you're saying or question your credibility!

Make sure it follows the format requirements for submitting to specific press release distribution groups and/or news outlets.

You should make sure submit a press release follows the format requirements for submitting to specific press release distribution groups and/or news outlets.

If you submit your press release to an online publication, make sure it follows their rules and guidelines. If there are some special requirements that apply to all submissions (e.g., including a link back to your website), then include those in the body of the email or letter you send along with the submission form itself.

If you post your press release on a website, make sure it follows the format requirements for that site. For example, if some sites require you to include a photo or video, then do so. If there are other requirements (e.g., including a link back to your website), then include those in the body of the email or letter you send along with the submission form itself.

A press release can be effective if it's well written, follows proper formatting rules and is sent to the right journalists.

A press release can be effective if it's well written, follows proper formatting rules and is sent to the right journalists.

A press release should be concise and clear. It should also include a brief summary of your company or product's latest newsworthy event or accomplishment. If you have any new products or services that are available for sale, then you should include them in your press release as well. If this is not possible, then at least mention them briefly so people will know what they're missing out on!

The body section of a good press release includes background information about yourself (including previous experience), your firm's name (if relevant), mission statement and vision statement - all in just one paragraph each!


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