The Best Press Release Format for the Internet Age

Best Way of Writing a Press Release


In the Internet Age, this form of PR has taken a whole new twist, as it's not just professional journalists who need this information, but also the multitude of bloggers and web writers.

Hell, if you can catch a few of the Joe Public on the way too, then all the better: Over one billion internet users are not to be sniffed at.

Unfortunately though, there are now tons of articles floating around the World Wide Web extolling press release format as a form of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

Lets get this clear: press releases are a part of public relations, not SEO. They are there to enable you to announce an important event or change about your business or organisation, not for the sole reason of accumulating backlinks.

The reclassification of the press releases purpose has come about because of the number of free press release sites in existence. With one or two exceptions these are mostly low-quality affairs with no editorial policy. They accept anything and everything masquerading as a press release example.

Pushing these low quality free press release sites are a whole gaggle of wannabe "SEO gurus" who merely regurgitate what they have read elsewhere.

For them, the only thing that is important is building incoming links: Links, links and more links is their mantra.

Don't let these fools be your guide: let quality be your guiding light.

A press release announces something. Put yourself in the shoes of a journalist or blogger when you write a press release template. Is what you are writing about newsworthy? It doesn't have to be something of international concern, but it does have to be something of note in your niche.

Most people today only write a press release for a backlink to their website. Consequently, their press release offers nothing of interest to the reporter or blogger. They are mostly just infomercials written in dull sales talk.

This is not to say that SEO must be completely severed from the online press release. If you going to publish an item on a free press release distribution site make sure you carry out keyword research, but don't let it be an all consuming passion.

If you don't have anything to announce then don't write a press release sample. It's a simple as that. Think of any links gained as a bonus, not its raison d'être.

It's important to reclaim the press release because the internet is already full of spam. We don't need any more, and most of what comes under the heading of press release in the net age is out-and-out spam. Internet users don't need it or want it.

So lets get back to basics and write press releases for the press, not spam for the bin.

Understanding Your Press Release's Audience

It used to be so easy. You wrote press releases for the press, and a very small number at that. It may have been the case before emails and web access that you sent out news release example to a whole list of potentially interested journalists, but you were more likely to just send them to 10 or 20 writers that you already had a relationship with.

Matters in the internet age have become more complicated. It is important that public relations change with the time and that it is an industry that keeps pace with economic and cultural changes, but unfortunately there are people in the Search Engine Optimisation industry who are trying to subvert public relations for their own end and are claiming the press release for SEO.

These people are only interested in one thing: building links.

SEO is divided into two parts: on-page and off-page optimisation. On-page optimisation is concerned with the right keywords being in the right place, whether that is in the title, headers or body of text. Off-page optimisation is mostly about building incoming links to a website. It is widely regarded that the quantity and quality of incoming links is the most important part of SEO.

These SEOists have noticed all the free press release distribution sites and seen a potential way of building backlinks. The following are all genuine article headlines from large SEO sites: media release template New SEO Back Door to Top Rankings', 'Link Building via Press Releases For SEO Rankings', 'Why Does Your Company Need SEO Press Releases?'

Consequently, thanks to the SEO crowd, the internet is now riddled with press release spam. Every two-bit, wannabe SEO practitioner has been advising their client to write as many press releases as possible at every opportunity. You need links, they declare, so get them from free press release sites. Providing a list of such websites they send clients off happy in the knowledge that they are doing something to build their website or business up. There are even a number of SEO companies that specialise in using these free media release example services to distribute client "spam releases" - all for a hefty fee of course.

Lets make matters clear: only release a press release when you have something to announce and, more to the point, something newsworthy.

Put yourself in the shoes of a journalist or blogger. Is there anything in your press release that somebody on the net could write about? Is there anything there to inspire a wordsmith?

By all means use the quality free press release distribution services, but also develop one-to-one relationships with bloggers and journalists in your niche. So when you do write and send out a sample press release template you can email them a copy directly. You'll have far more chance of receiving publicity this way, and with publicity on the internet also comes those precious backlinks.

So remember: press releases for the press. Let us spend time redefining just what constitutes the press in the internet age rather then writing and distributing spam for SEO purposes.


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