Writing Press Releases Without Sounding Like a Sales Pitch

How to Write Press Releases That Don't Sound Like Sales Pitches

We already know that traditional press release format don't work all that well when trying to get the attention of social media.

In fact, we'd go so far as to suggest you abandon that whole medium altogether. Instead of going that route, trying getting word of your new product,

service or event out using less-traditional approach.

About The Reader

press release example have always been written about the product, company or service that sent out the document.

As such, it's one of those pieces of writing that focuses strictly on the subject, largely ignoring the reader. The thing about social media is, your efforts usually work best when you put the audience first.

Imagine your potential audience saying: "How the hell will that tickle my fancy?" Make it about your reader by answering that question and your press release should have a better shot of benefiting from the social web.

An Alternative Press Release

Instead of doing an actual press release, try creating something that gives the skinny on your product, service or company in a creative way.

From personal-sounding letters to a couple of good-looking videos, there are other ways to get the word out that aren't as straight-laced, formal and boring as a press release template.

Goes without saying, by the way, that "alternative" doesn't mean you should turn out a piece of writing with grammar and writing errors. Use your writing software and correction tools, as per usual.

Formality and professionalism is needed in this kind of category. Sales pitches are more on persuading.

Press Release Marketing - 5 Turbo Secrets to Explode Your Press Release Marketing

Here are the best tips to consider to easily explode your press release sample marketing strategies:

1. Make in newsworthy. Keep in mind that these releases are very much different from articles and sales letters.

They must only be used when you are announcing newsworthy information or updates within your organizations like change in leadership or milestones that you have recently achieved.

2. Quotes. Make your releases to news agencies more interesting to read and more compelling by inserting quotes from top level people within your organization.

You can interview your CEO or some people in your management team to get their reactions or opinion about the news that you are writing about.

3. Get straight to the point. Fillers and lengthy introductions do not have space in media release template marketing.

It's a must that you communicate the information you have upfront. This is to keep your readers interested and to keep your releases relatively short.

4. Use keywords. If you intend to submit your releases on PR sites, it's a must that you use relevant keywords that are highly associated to your chosen industry.

You will need to do this so people can easily find your content when they are searching online. Put your keywords on your headline and a couple of times on your content.

5. Submit them to best PR sites. Do your research and find the best PR sites that will automatically distribute your media release example to media outlets and news feeds.

This can help you easily connect with your target audience in as little time as possible.

6. Give the facts. Maybe it's a major announcement about your company. Perhaps it's the launching of a new business.

How about a merger, coming out with a new product line, or the fact that a celebrity is on board endorsing your product?

Whatever the case may be, make sure to create enough buzz that would cause the media to feel they will miss out on something had they not covered your story or event.

7. Keep it short, buddy.Tell your story, but tell just enough to tantalize their appetites. A few paragraphs of facts would quickly suffice

If you try to sell them that you have the best deal on product xyz, forget about it. The media may ostracize you.

8. Frequency wins in the long-run. Stability is a big plus for effective press campaigns. It might be psychological,

but if an editor keeps seeing your compelling event press release template at least once a month, it creates curiosity and interest that may one day lead to a story,

Article or interview. And that's very good for you.

Get in Touch!

Website – https://www.pressreleasepower.com

Skype – shalabh.mishra

Telegram – shalabhmishra

Email –contact@pressreleasepower.com

Mobile – +1 (855) 222-4111